To Black Americans in our community and across the country: we see, hear and care about the ways large and small in which your safety and freedom has been obliterated by systemic oppression, bias and violence, for generations, in this country. As white theater company leaders with privilege and access, we are committed to productive action (not just talking) in response to the abhorrent state of racial inequality in this country, and we commit to ramping up the personal and professional actions we take to support you.

For those who would like to support Black Americans further at this time, here are a few organizations & resources inside and beyond the Pittsburgh region who you can support and donate to:

Buy from Black-owned Pittsburgh businesses: here’s a list.

Write to and call your local officials.

Donate to Pittsburgh organizations:

Pittsburgh’s Bukit Bail Fund

Steel Smiling: The Black Mental Health Fund

SisTers PGH

Donate to National organizations:

With ongoing commitment and in solidarity,

—Molly Rice and Rusty Thelin

Artistic Directors & Founders of RealTime